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Taking liberties since 1978


UsabilityExchange :: Welcome

UsabilityExchange :: Welcome

Fantastic idea. At last a resource that hooks up those people keen to provide accessible content and those frustrated by the lack of it.

I've always wanted to try and get work tested by people with disabilites, since trying to test using software like Jaws when you aren't an expert user is a totally different experience to real life.

However there are problems with paying people to test stuff as this affects benefits. At last here is a resource that can help everybody.

Government sites fail web tests

BBC NEWS | Technology | Government sites fail web tests

Not really a surprise. Despite the large amount of press coverage, there has been little or no action in a great many areas of web design. An councils which are slow and bureaucratic are unlikely to be the first to get with times, even if there is legislation saying that they must. There are of course exceptions to this, and to be fair the issue is bigger than sluggish councils; it's down to unprofessional web designers too.

Microformats Extensions - The Web Standards Project

Microformats Extensions - The Web Standards Project

Having had aquick play with Microformats and implemented some of the relivant stuff on my website I'm delighted to see this extension for Dreamweaver.


Sacred Cow Dung: All Things Web 2.0 - "THE LIST"

Sacred Cow Dung: All Things Web 2.0 - "THE LIST"

Even more cool and useful websites courtesy of sme Web2.0 propaganda. Bebop is worth alook if you're a music geek, and I'm already a fan of Pandora asit has supplied me with a few new bands to go and explore.


Design View : Andy Rutledge - The First Rule of Web Design

Design View : Andy Rutledge - The First Rule of Web Design

A nice little article. Something I feel is very appropriate to me at the moment. I have felt that I have swamped myself with technical skills at the cost of stretching my design. Code is very important and it's the skeleton upon which any good site is formed. It needs to be good. But first impressions also count and one cannot take presidence over the other - it is a fine balancing act.
I'm currently trying to readdress the balance by going old school and geting my hands dirty with some pen and paper - no code to distract me there.

UX Magazine - This is Media 2.0

UX Magazine - This is Media 2.0

While this is intersting in that it places the platform at the centre of Media 2.0. It is fair to say that I'm already bored of the term 2.0 being attatched to anything and everything.

Also while I feel that the platform can be central technically it isn't so in terms of the user. It is not necessarily the best platform that will gain support. But like so many other things it is just a case of what my mate is using or thinks is good, which can as easily be a brand as a platform.

UX Magazine - Design 101 - for programmers

UX Magazine - Design 101 - for programmers

Some great tips here for those who are development focused to keep in mind when creating a UI. I especially like the glossary of terms and the usability testing.


A design a day keeps the doctor away.


A great place to go to get an eye full of interesting design.


ma.gnolia.com - Account Expired

ma.gnolia.com - Account Expired

Oops looks like someone at Magnolia forgot to pay the bill!

fadtastic - a multi-author web design trends journal » Blog Archive » The Secret Lives of Fonts

fadtastic - a multi-author web design trends journal » Blog Archive » The Secret Lives of Fonts

This interesting look at grades in relation to the fonts used offer a look at the gravitas that certain fonts offer. This is not revolutionary but it does re-itterate that if you insist on sending me email in Comic Sans then don't ever expect me to take you seriously.

I even recieved formal letters in Comic Sans, which is simply wrong. The ONLY appropriate use of Comic Sans is in the context it was designed for, which was a comic strip chat program. It is not "friendly" or "funny" it's informal and cheesey as hell.

Put the Comic Sans down and walk away.


MoreWhite » Blog Archive » UI Design in Web Applications

MoreWhite » Blog Archive » UI Design in Web Applications

Looking at WEb 2.0 and UI design. It's more interaction based than design focused and while a little dogmatic in tone offers some interesting observations and suggestions.

Genevieve And Skylar - Photoshop For Kids | The Photoshop Blog | PhotoshopSupport.com

Genevieve And Skylar - Photoshop For Kids | The Photoshop Blog | PhotoshopSupport.com

Photoshop as a digital colouring book. Interesting stuff and made me think about my first ventures into "digital art". Trying with basic to get my Amstrad to draw any shapes in different shade of green :)
I remember the first time I used paint and trying to force the rudimentary tool to create something that didn't look like a 3 year old had produced it.

Interesting on another level is the different way kids use computers to adults.