
Previous Posts
- fadtastic - a multi-author web design trends journ...
- MoreWhite » Blog Archive » UI Design in Web Applic...
- Genevieve And Skylar - Photoshop For Kids | The Ph...
- Julie Larson-Green - Diving into the new Office 12
- R.I.P. WYSIWYG - Results-Oriented UI Coming (Jakob...
- OpenLaszlo
- Flash: what is it good for?
- Yahoo! User Interface Library and Design Patterns
- eHub: Design 2.0: Minimalism, Transparency, and You
- Ma.gnolia - del.icio.us as I wanted it to be
- A List Apart
- Lots of articles focusing on webstandards and innovative CSS
- Apophenia
- Blog on social networks within Web 2.0 and so much more...
- OK/Cancel
- Usability comic strip
- Digg
- Digg allows the users to share great stories
- The Web Standards Project
- WaSP have loads of great info on DOM for AJAX
- Guild of Accessible Web Designers
- Accessify Forum
- An online community concerned with accessibility
WPF bookmarks
The opinions expressed in this blog are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, past, present or future
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