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Taking liberties since 1978


Learning XAML

The latest challenge to fall on my plate is to get up to speed with XAML for Windows Presentation Foundation, which is pretty cool stuff.

I'm pretty excited about the potential for 3D and the fact that the UI is vector based, so it is much more versatile and scalable. I'm using the Expression Interface Designer as my IDE and so far it has been a very mixed experience. I love that you can scale the menus down and out the way, but I found it counter intuative that I can't drag and drop elements from the library onto the canvas. Also it seems to be missing some pretty fundamental elements, like hyperlink components or copy and paste in code view.
It's still in beta though so hopefully some of these issues will be resolved. So far it's pretty interesting stuff.


Bulldog Broadband are crap

What a bunch of useless tossers.

Once the service is up and running it isn't too bad from a service p.o.v. But their customer service sucks. No one has any power to do anything except apologise. Raising a complaint gets you nowhere and you waste your life on the phone.

I've been forced to raise the issue with CISAS, but to no real avail. Now they have been bought out by Pipex there is littel hope of improvement. So if you are looking for good fast broadband and think you can guarentee NO need to ever comunicate with your ISP then fine. But be warned. And never ever ever give them any credit card details.
