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Nine Tips for Designing Rich Internet Applications

Looks Good Works Well: Nine Tips for Designing Rich Internet Applications

This article from Yahoo's AJAX Evangelist no less. I think there are some really good suggestions in here. But no mention of implementing AJAX in such a way as to ensure accessability. However I think it is mostly down to the designer to ensure that any such methods are implemented in an accessible way, rather than shying away from them as has been the trend. His fourth point about the use of pop ups and slide outs might cause an issue with accessibility, however Bill Scott actually covers how these pop ups differ from those we've come to know and hate in his article Popups With a Twist.

I love Rich Internet Applications, but not at the cost of accessibility. Hopefully as I refresh my Javascript skills I'll be able to find practical solutions to creating good interfaces without dismissing the need to keep good web standards.


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