Failed Redesigns and Recruitment
Le «blog personnel» de Joe Clark » Failed Redesigns
This article is getting quite a bit of attention from websites who advocate standards. Mainly I think because it says something we have all been thinking.
Currently at work, for the first time, I'm involved in recruiting. And I have to say up until know I assumed most people who consider themselves professional web designers would work with divs rather than table layouts and have a good understanding of CSS, beyond the realms of formatting text. How wrong I was. Every portfolio I have seen so far has included predominantly table based layouts for websites and more often than not a bunch of javascript straight from Dreamweaver. This article sums up my feelings really well.
Some of the designs are good, and it is easier to teach good coding practise than good design. But that doesn't change the fact that there people consider themselves professionals as is. Have I become a code fascist to expect an aptitude in code as well as design? I mean we all have to learn, hell I'm still learning, but then I think the last table layout I used was back in 2001, after just a year in the industry, so why the hell are they still rearing their ugly heads, from people claiming several years 'professional' experience.
Molly makes an interesting point on WaSP about how we should educate each other, which I completely agree with. Ultimately I'd love to bring someone with less experience in to work with me and help them develop, like my mentor did when I first started. But the role I'm recruiting is meant to be at a similar level to myself. I'm not expecting to have to train them, but rather enjoy working with fellow designer, where perhaps we can learn from each other.
If by some magical fortune you happen to read this and are looking for work in the Birmingham area get in touch with Talis.
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