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Taking liberties since 1978


Agile Usability

Agile Usability

A useful page of usability in an agile enviroment links.

As work adopts an agile methodology for developing products I am trying to understand how interface design and usability fit into this way of working.

I can so both pros and cons, as areas of GUI design lend them self to an agile methodolgy while other areas do not. Usability testing will be made considerably easier by knowing there will be a working product at the end of each iteration. However graphics are not quick and easy to change. I have spent most of my career to date trying to find the best way to get a really good idea of what is required before delivering anything and it seems slightly counter productive to start producing something before you clearly understand what it is that's needed.

Perhaps more will become clear with time.


Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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11:44 pm


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